Singer Songwriter & Autor

Die offizielle Seite des Singer-Songwriters und Autors aus dem Herzen Nordhessens. Dem Singer-Songwriter, der von der AKADEMIA in Los Angeles / Kalifornien (USA) für seine Arbeit in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 und 2020 zahlreich (!) ausgezeichnet wurde und für 2019 den Singer-Songwriter of the Year 2018, den EXECUTIVE AWARD 2019 und den Artist Vision Award 2020 als höchste Auszeichnung der AKADEMIA in Los Angeles erhalten hat.

In der Online-Gala am 23. April 2021 wurde er mit dem "Rising Star Award 2021" in Los Angeles ausgezeichnet.

Im Juli 2023 wurde er für die Aufnahme in die "AKADEMIA Hall of Fame" offiziell vorgeschlagen.

#singer songwriter #autor niedenstein #singer #songwriter #niedenstein

The official site on the internet of the Singer-Songwriter and author from the heart of Nordhessen

Awarded several times (!) by the AKADEMIA in Los Angeles / California (USA) for his unique style and work in songwriting and composing as a Singer-Songwriter in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020 with the Singer-Songwriter of the Year 2018, the EXECUTIVE AWARD in 2019 and the Artist Vision Award in 2020.

Markus has been awarded with the "The Rising Star Award 2021" in Los Angeles, California. On July 18th, 2023 he has been announced for entering the "Akademia Hall of Fame" in Los Angeles, California.

Das neue Album ist am 13. September 2024 erschienen

New album out now !

Listen to this podcast episode to learn more...

Der neue Roman "Anniken" wird jetzt als professionelles Hörbuch produziert

6,3 Stunden Laufzeit wird das neue Hörbuch haben und für 7,99 € bald in allen OnlineStores erhältlich sein, die auch Hörbücher anbieten (Audible, etc.)

Wir freuen uns, dieses Format bald anbieten zu dürfen. Zur Zeit läuft die Produktion und die Aufnahmen des Buches.

Markus Zosel, Jan. 2024
Markus Zosel, Jan. 2024

Pressestimmen/ Quotes:

"Markus Zosel displays his musical diversity on songs like "Music For a Storybook" and "We Go Along," singing passionate ballads that make people cry. His music has a way of making a strong emotional connection with listeners and leaving a lasting impression.

The recognition Markus Zosel has received in the country and modern country music scenes is well-deserved. He stands out as a gifted artist because of his ability to compose fascinating songs with deep lyrics and catchy melodies. Markus Zosel has a wide selection of songs that all display his distinct style, and he keeps capturing the attention of music fans worldwide." (2023)


»Brilliant singer-songwriter and entertainer Markus Zosel taps into a strong vibe to create an original blend of folk / singer-songwriter music with an emotional twist.(…) This singer-songwriter with a performance flair has the right look and the right attitude to become a proper singer-songwriter-magnet and audiences around the world are beginning to acknowledge the fact that a new creative force has arisen. Where will he take it from here? One critic wrote of his award-winning work: ‘Markus Zosel delivers a sun-sweetened collection of folk-pop concoctions whose instrumental virtues are exceeded only by the sensitive prosody of his vocal intrigues.’ We suspect this artist will navigate the future on his own terms, given his obvious passion and musical skills. Independent reporter Alexis Adams recently caught up with Markus Zosel to discuss his music and the interesting path by which he came to it.«


Alexis Adams - Marquix Global Network (2023)


»Markus Zosel brings an exquisite sensitivity to his music, creating an authentic sound that simultaneously honors and breaks the traditional rules of songwriting. It is an approach that is earning this artist out of Niedenstein, Germany much acclaim. (…) Markus Zosel is one of the rare artists capable of great variation from track to track - and the smooth vocality throughout is a constant, restless provocation.«


Lauren Scott - Now Entertainment Online (2022)


Markus Zosel is an excellent example of a folk / singer-songwriter artist that elegantly leverages originality and composition skills to the service of modern entertainment. The new single 'All Gold On Earth' demonstrates remarkable musical stylings that are sure to appeal to mainstream audiences. This artist's constantly original approach is coupled with the right look and the right attitude to become a proper folk / singer-songwriter-magnet and audiences around the world are beginning to acknowledge the fact that a new creative force has arisen. Where will the journey take this artist from here? 


Svelte Media (2020)


Markus Zosel, a singer-songwriter and author from Niedenstein, Germany, was inducted into the Akademia Hall of Fame on August 10, 2023. He was nominated for the award in July 2023 13. Markus has been awarded several times by the AKADEMIA in Los Angeles, California (USA) for his unique style and work in songwriting and composing as a Singer-Songwriter in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020 with the Singer-Songwriter of the Year 2018, the EXECUTIVE AWARD in 2019 and the Artist Vision Award in 2020.

Congratulations to Markus Zosel on his induction into the Akademia Hall of Fame! 🎉🎉🎉


AI / Bing by Microsoft (2023)

Der Podcast jetzt bei RTL+




Welcome video in English

Sie sind herzlich eingeladen nun selbst in die musikalische und literarische Welt des sehr produktiven und vielseitigen Künstlers einzutauchen. Viel Freude dabei und wir dürfen wir dürfen Ihnen jetzt einen angenehmen und interessanten Aufenthalt bei uns wünschen.


Now you are dearly invited to get into the work of Markus Zosel yourself. You'll find a lot of information und material according to his work, same as current news. Enjoy while you're here with us on this website. Be a part of it!

Markus Zosel wird in der Nacht vom 28. auf den 29. Juli 2023 in Los Angeles für die Aufnahme der "Akademia Hall of Fame" vorgeschlagen und am 17. Mai 2024 in L. A. aufgenommen!

The video of the Award-Show in July 28th, 2023 and official "Hall of Fame Certificate" 2023

What a night! This is the moment of announcing Markus Zosel for possible induction into the "Akademia Hall of Fame" taken from the online gala recorded in Los Angeles/USA on July 28th, 2023. Truly exciting and wonderful...

A fabulous night of induction out in the desert spaces north of Los Angeles on May 18th, 2024

Together with Anwar Naomi, CEO of the AKADEMIA in Los Angeles, California

Das neue Album ist veröffentlicht...!

Out now...! On all major streaming- and download services - or on YouTube!

Markus Zosel in his study

Singer/Songwriter Markus Zosel in his study (July 2022)
Singer/Songwriter Markus Zosel in his study (July 2022)
Autograph of the new instrumental piece "Bright October Morn" to be released on Friday, October 28th.
Autograph of the new instrumental piece "Bright October Morn" to be released on Friday, October 28th.


Der Podcast in deutscher Sprache...

bei RTL+

oder dort, wo Sie Podcasts hören...

The podcast in English language...

Or just listen to the episode on YouTube:

Der neue Roman "ANNIKEN" ist veröffentlicht...!

New novel is available now...!

Ich freue mich, meinen neuen Roman ankündigen zu dürfen. Jetzt ist jetzt fertig! 🙏😇☕

Er ist im Buchhandel und in den gängigen Onlineshops erhältlich.


Taschenbuch / 278 Seiten

Preis: 10.99 €

ISBN: 978375838915

Alle Neuigkeiten gibt es hier...!

Markus Zosel's "Online-Shop". Seine Musik und Bücher findet ihr hier!

Open 24/7...!